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Chapter 4 Exercise

Anicia Hibdon

Descriptive Methods in Regression and Correlation

1A value of r close to +1 or -1 indicates that there is a ______ linear relationship between the variables. _____r
2The symbol that is used for the linear correlation coefficient is ______. _____strong
3Regarding what is used to decide on the line that best fits a set of data points, what is that item called? _____positively
4A value of r close to ______ indicates that there is either no linear relationship between the variables or a weak one. _____ not very useful
5A value of r close to _____ indicates that the regression equation is extremely useful for making predictions. _____negatively
6A value of r close to 0 indicates that the regression equation is either useless or _____ for making predictions.  _____zero
7In the context of regression, an _____ is a data point that lies far from the regression line, relative to the other data points. _____least squares criterion
8If y tends to decrease linearly as x increases, the variables are _____ linearly correlated. _____outlier
9If there is no linear relationship between x and y, the variables are linearly ______. _____+ or - 1
10If y tends to increase linearly as x increases, the variables are _____ linearly correlated. _____uncorrelated

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