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1st Quarter Timeline

Suzanne Pearce

match timeline in order - number it

Age of Anciet Empire 1
creation to c. 450 AD 21
Creation & the Fall 3
The Flood & the Tower of Babel 25
Mesopotamia & Sumer 27
Egyptains 33
3000 BC 36
Indus River Valley Civilization 4
Minoans & Mycenaeans 18
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World 43
Patriarchs of Israel 19
2000 BC  13
Hittites & Canaanites 39
Kush 47
Assyrians 22
Babylonians 41
China's Shang Dynasty 44
Hinduism in India 8
Phoenicians & the Alphabet 48
Olmecs of Mesoamerica 17
Israelite Exodus & Desert Wandering  11
Israelite Conquest & Judges  7
Greek Dark Ages 46
Israel's United Kingdom 10
1000 BC  23
Early Native Americans 2
Israel Divides into 2 Kingdoms 34
Homer & Hesiod 6
Romulus & Remus 16
Israel Falls to Assyria 32
Assyria Falls to Babylon 40
Lao-Tzu, Confucius, Bubbha 31
Judah Falls to Babylon  29
Temple Destroyed  42
Babylon Falls to Persia  14
Jews Return & Rebuild the Temple 37
Roman Republic  30
Golden Age of Greece 35
Peloponnesian Wars 12
Persia Falls to Alexander the Great 26
india's Mauryan Empire  38
Mayans of Mesoamerica  28
Punic Wars 5
Rome Conquers Greece 20
Roman Dictator Julius Caesar 45
Caesar Augustus & the Pax Romana  15
John The Baptist  24
Jesus the Messiah 9

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