A. Integrity | | Working collaboratively with in a group to a goal |
B. Interpersonal Relations | | Values or behaviors that contribute to an organization |
C. Leadership | | The ability to influence a system or environment |
D. Leverage | | When two or more entities work together in harmony. |
E. Marketing | | A feeling of trust in one's abilities |
F. Maturity | | Controlling one's own emotions or impulses |
G. Motivation | | When both sides disagree, rusal to budge |
H. Negotiation | | Component of a person's behavior |
I. Office Politics | | Ability to prioritize and use one's time wisely |
J. Organizational Culture | | Mental, emotional or physical strain felt by an individual |
K. Personality | | A sense of personal worth over their own emotions |
L. Persuade | | Leading a group of people or organization |
M. Privacy | | Right to be free from surveillance/right to reveal info |
N. Punctuality | | How a person is views who they are as a person |
O. Rectified | | Stable, consistent characteristics a person exhibits |
P. Self Awareness | | A fight or argument to decide who controls an area |
Q. Self Confidence | | Cause someone to do something |
R. Self Control | | To seek to obtain by persuasion or formal application |
S. Self Esteem | | Providing goods and services to customers |
T. Self Perception | | Use of power within an organization in order to achieve goals |
U. Self Regulation | | Ability to perceive one own personality or emotions |
V. Social Skills | | To make correct |
W. Solicit | | Arrive on time |
X. Stalemate | | Adhere to moral and ethical principles |
Y. Stereotype | | Bargaining (give/take) between two parties |
Z. Stress | | Belief about specific groups or types of individuals |
AA. Sympathy | | Friendships, relations between people |
BB. Synergy | | Restraining one's actions |
CC.. Teamwork | | Factors that make a person take action |
DD. Time Management | | Ability to image how a business could develop |
EE. Trait | | Feeling of compassion, sorrow or pity for another |
FF. Turf War | | Taking responsibility for one's actions |
GG. Vision | | Being able to interact with others |