Allegory | | Seems to contradict itself, but on close inpsection does not |
Alliteration | | A history of a persons life told by that person |
Analogy | | Writer's attitude towards the material |
Aphorism | | Statement that minimized the importance of what is meant |
Archetype | | Words that appeal to the senses |
Assonance | | Ingredient that gives the work unity, what the work is about |
Autobiography | | Original model or pattern on which same things are based |
Biography | | Something nonhuman is given human or animal traits |
Cliche | | Atmosphere or feeling created by a work |
connotation | | A story illustrating an idea or moral principle |
Diary | | The associated or secondary meaning of a word |
Diction | | Sentence structure |
Essay | | Word choice, the words used in a piece of writing |
Euphemism | | A trite or overused expression or idea (fit as a fiddle) |
Hyperbole | | A comparison of two unlike things using like or as |
Idiom | | The primary or strict meaning of a word |
Imagery | | The sound of a word echoes the sound it represents |
Irony | | Comparison of two unlike things using like or as |
Verbal irony | | A play on words; a word used to convey two meanings |
Dramatic irony | | Word choice; words used in a piece of writing |
Literal | | Substitution of a mild expression for a harsh one |
Metaphor | | A literary work that immitates the style of another work |
Oxymoron | | Dramatic irony |
Onomatopoeia | | A figure of speech in which an exaggeration occurs |
Paradox | | Not literal |
Parody | | A combination of contradictory terms |
Personification | | A written account of another person's life |
Prose | | A brief statement expressing an observation on life |
Pun | | The reader knows something that the characters do not |
Satire | | A short composition on a particular theme or subject |
Sermon | | The ordinary form of spoken or written language, not poetic |
Similie | | A daily record, usually private |
Stream of Consciousness | | A repetition of the initial sounds of several words |
Style | | A distinctive, particular mode of construction in any work |
Syntax | | A similarity between two things for comparison |
Figurative | | Apprehension due to an uncertain or mysterious situation |
Theme | | Repetition of a vowel sound, especially in a poem |
Tone | | Atmosphere or feeling created by a work |
Understatement | | Conveys a meaning that is the opposite the literal meaning |
Suspense | | Sarcasm |
Mood | | an expression, kick the bucket or hang one's head |