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Grade 4 Math Power Words

Match the term to the correct definition.

product a unit of measure for angles based on dividing up a circle into 360 parts. A unit of measure for temperature.
hundredth a letter or other symbol that represents a number example 5 + X = 9 and x=4 to make the number sentence true
intersect a number that is written using both a whole number and a fraction
right triangle the answer in multiplication
acute angle one of two numbers that are multiplied to give a product
obtuse angle a point at the end of a line segment or ray
right angle a straight path joining 2 points. the two points are called "endpoints" (------------------- )
endpoint a figure measuring exactly 90* that is formed by two rays or two line segments with a common endpoint
angles a straight path that extends infinitely in opposite directions
lines a straight path that starts at one point (the endpoint) and continues forever in one direction
mixed number a whole number that has exactly two factors: itself and 1
perpendicular the digit two spaces to the right of a decimal can be written as 1/100 or 0.01
ray common fractions that serve as benchmarks or points of reference to help us estimate other fractions.
benchmark fractions a triangle that has a right angle (90*)
common denominator a figure that is formed by two rays or two line segments with a common endpoint
degree  crossing or meeting at right angles. The symbol means is perpendicular to
decimal notation a figure measuring less than 90* that is formed by two rays or two line segments with a common endpoint
line segment a model that shows the amount of surface inside a closed boundary (such as a shape labeled in square units)
line of symmetry a line drawn through a figure that creates two "mirror" images of eachother
parallel a whole number with more than two factors
variable a dot used to separate the ones and the tenths place in decimal numbers
factor  if two fractions have the same denominator
prime number to meet or cross
composite number a figure measuring more that 90* and less than 180* that is formed by two rays or two line segments with a common endpoint
remainder an amount left over when one number is divided by another number
area model  ( ) lines, line segments, rays or ("planes) are said to be parallel if they never cross or meet, no matter how far they extend

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