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Life in the Sea

Lisa Phillips

Modular 2

1Asexual reproduction  _____An organism whose body temperature changes with its surrounding environment
2Autotrophs  _____Reproduction that involves the union of gametes from two organisms: a male and a female
3Binomial nomenclature  _____Organisms that are able to produce their own food
4Diffusion _____An animal that maintains a controlled internal body temperature using its own heating and cooling mechanisms
5Ectotherm _____Organisms that cannot make their own food and must obtain it from other organisms
6Endotherm _____The process by which food is converted into useable energy for life functions
7Heterotrophs _____An organism that regulates its internal concentration of salts
8Homeostasis _____The diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane
9Hameotherm _____An animal whose internal body temperature is a result of internal sources of heat
10Metabolism _____The tendency of living organisms to control or regulate changes in their internal environmen
11Osmoconformer _____The movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
12Osmoregulator  _____An organism whose body temperature is controlled by its surrounding environment
13Osmosis _____The process by which an organism uses the energy from the sun to produce its own food
14Photosynthesis _____An organism that allows its internal concentration of salts to change in order to match the external concentration of salts in the surrounding water
15Poikilotherm _____Identifying an organism by its genus and species name
16Respiration _____Reproduction accomplished by a single organism
17Sexual reproduction  _____An organism that allows its internal concentration of salts to change in order to match the external concentration of salts in the surrounding water

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