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Subpart "L" by the numbers

1) "Each scaffold and scaffold component must support its weight and ___________ the maximum intended load applied to it." __________ p) 60
2) "Each platform unit shall be installed so that the space between adjacent units and the space between the platform and the uprights is no more than _________ wide."  __________ h) at least 12"
3) A platform used solely for walkways or for erecting or dismantling scaffolds shall be at least _________ wide.  __________ d) 12"
4) Each ladder jack scaffold shall be at least _________ wide. __________ k) 11 1/2"
5) The front edge of all platforms cannot be more than ___________ from the face of the work unless guardrail is used. __________ n) 38"
6) The maximum distance from the face of the work for outrigger scaffolds shall be ___________. __________ g) 6"
7) Each end of a platform unless cleated or otherwise restrained, shall extended over the center line of its supports at least __________. __________ t) 5
8) On scaffolds where platforms are overlapped to create a long platform, the lap must be ____________________________. __________ b) 1"
9) Supported scaffolds with a height to base width ratio of _____________:1 ratio shall be restrained from tipping.  __________ a) 4 times
10) Hook-on and attachable ladders shall be positioned so that the bottom rung is no more than ____________ above the scaffold supporting level. __________ q) 10
11) Hook-on and attachable ladders shall have a minimum rung length of _____________. __________ l) 16 3/4"
12) Hook-on and attachable ladders shall have a maximum rung spacing of ___________. __________ i) 4
13) Where the employer can demonstrate that a wider gap is necessary in platform construction, the maximum space between the platform and the uprights shall be ___________. __________ c) 18"
14) The minimum height of the guard rail toprail for supported scaffolds shall be _____________. __________ j) 24"
15) The maximum height of the guard rail toprail for supported scaffolds is ________. __________ s) 48
16) "Scaffold platforms shall not deflect more than 1/ ________ th of the span when loaded." __________ f) 3"
17) "Each employee on a scaffold more than __________ feet above a lower level shall be protected from falling." __________ r) 20
18) "Cross bracing is acceptable in place of a mid-rail when the cross point of the two braces is between ___________ inches and 30 inches above the work platform." __________ e) 14"
19) "Cross bracing is acceptable in place of a top rail when the crossing point of the two braces is between 38" and ________ inches above the work platform." __________ o) 45"
20) Concerning Mobile scaffolds, "Manual force used to move the scaffold shall be applied as close to the base as practicable, but not more than ______________ feet above the supporting surface." __________ m) 9 1/2"

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