1 | Summary Offence | | _____ | The standard of proof required in a civil case in order for a plaintiff to succeed in providing the case against the defendant |
2 | Indictable Offence | | _____ | A serious offence heard before a judge and generally a jury |
3 | Inquisitorial system | | _____ | An offence between individuals eg. breach of contract |
4 | Terra nullius | | _____ | Application of laws on an equal basis |
5 | Criminal matter | | _____ | Law made by parliament |
6 | Civil matter | | _____ | The are of law that deals with offences committed between individuals. eg contract law |
7 | Common law | | _____ | the responsibility of a party to prove a case in court |
8 | Adversarial | | _____ | An offence against the state eg. robbery or assult |
9 | Beyond reasonable doubt | | _____ | The area of law that deals with offences by the individual against the state eg. criminal law |
10 | Balance of probabilities | | _____ | Where two sides of the dispute are opponents. |
11 | Burden of proof | | _____ | A minor offence heard in the local courts before a magistrate |
12 | Standard of proof | | _____ | The standard of proof required in a criminal case in order for a prosecution (the state) to obtain a conviction against the accused |
13 | Statute law | | _____ | the level of proof required in order for the party that has the burden of proof to succeed |
14 | Statutory law | | _____ | Where judges have to apply the law similarly in similar cases |
15 | Public law | | _____ | The system of law used in civil law courst where the judge plays an active role in the proceedings, often questioning witnesses |
16 | Private law | | _____ | Rules and regulations made by law-making bodies with delegated authority |
17 | Presumption of innocence | | _____ | Achieving similar outcomes or not depriving individuals of equal opportunities |
18 | Actus reus | | _____ | Accused in innocent until proven guilty |
19 | Fairness | | _____ | Criminal act |
20 | Equality | | _____ | A system of law applied equally to all and tested (& developed) in the common law courts |
21 | Doctrine of precedent | | _____ | The state in which land is devoid of ownership and belongs to no-one |