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Christian Theology Midterm Terms


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Aseity Highest authority in one's life; an authority that cannot be disapproved by appeal to any higher authority.
Sufficiency of Scripture Attribute of God whereby he is the sum of all desirable quantities.
Special Revelation God's words addressed to specific people, including the words of the Bible.
Necessity of Scripture another name for the attribute of God's independence of self-existence.
Omnipotence Attribute of God whereby he is able to do all his holy will.
Omniscience Any study that answers the question, "what does the whole bible teach us today?" about any given topic
Perfection Attribute of God whereby he is sperated from sin and devoted to seeking his own honor.
Power What the whole Bible teaches us today about some particular topic.
Revealed Will Attribute of God whereby he fully knows himself and all things actual and possible in one simple and eternal act.
Righteousness Unchangeableness
Spirituality View that God created the universe but is not now directly involved in it.
Secret Will Occurences of different words in different ancient copies of the same verse of scripture
Economic Subordination An approach to living that renounces many comforts of the material world and practices rigid self-denial.
Arianism Heretical teaching that the Son was inferior in being to God the Father.
Wisdom Existing or remaining in; used in theology to speak of God's involvement in creation.
Will Attribute of God whereby he is the final standard of good and all that he is and does is worthy of approval.
Truthfulness Erroneous doctrine that denies the full deity of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit
Theophany Attribute of God whereby he does not have size or spacial dimensions and is present at every point of space with his whole being, yet God acts differently in different places.
Immanent Idea that the Bible is written in such a way that its teachings are able to be understood by all who will read it seeking God's help and are willing to follow it.
Deism God's hidden decrees by which he governs the universe and determines everything that will happen.
Asceticism An 'Appearance of God" in which he takes on a visible form to show himself to people.
Subordinationism Writing of the Old and New Testament, which has historically been recognized as God's words in written form.
Modalism Morally perfect in God's sight, a characteristic of those who follow God's word completely.
Clarity of Scripture Doctrine that God is not divided into parts, yet we see different attributes of God emphasized at different times
Blameless Attribute of God whereby he fully knows himself and all things actual and possible in one simple and eternal act.
Textual Variant Attribute of God whereby he delights fully in himself and in all that reflects his character
Self-Attesting Attribute of God whereby he completely possesses all excellent qualities and lacks no part of any qualities that would be desirable for him.
Scripture Doctrine that God has no beginning, end, or succession of moments in his own being, and that he sees all time equally vividly yet sees events in time and acts in time.
Neoorthodoxy Omnipotence
Inspiration Self-authenticating nature of the Bible by which it convinces us that its words are God's words
Inerrant Historical study of how Christians in different periods since the time of the NT have understood various theological topics.
Faith and Practice Idea that all words in Scripture are God's words in such a way that to disbelieve or disobey any word of Scripture is to disobey or disbelieve God.
Authority of Scripture God's goodness towards those in misery and distress
Absolute Authority Words of Scripture are spoken of God. This word is used in ordinary usage, this text prefers the term God-breathed, to indicate that the words of scripture are spoken of God
Systematic Theology God's goodness towards those who deserve only punishment
Moral Attributes God is not subject to any of the limitations of humanity or of creation in general.
General Revelation God's declared will concerning what pleases him or what he commands us to do God's revealed will is found in Scripture
Historical Theology Attribute of God whereby he approves and determines to bring about every action necessary for the existence and activity of himself and all creation.
Doctrine When used of God, doctrine that God eternally gives of himself to others
Christian Ethics Idea that Scripture contained all the words of God he intended his people to have at each stage of redemptive history and that it now contains all the words of God we need for salvation, trusting, and obeying.
Biblical Theology Aspects of God's character that describes his moral or ethical nature.
Justice Any study that answers the question "What does God require us to feel think and do today?" with regard to any given situation.
Knowledge Attribute of God whereby he always chooses the best goals and the best means to those goals.
Love Omnipresence
Mercy Teaching that certain members of the Trinity have roles or functions that are subject to the authority of other members specifically, that the Son is eternally subject to the Father, and the Holy Spirit is eternally subject to the Father and Son.
Jealousy Idea that Scripture original manuscripts does not affirm anything that is contrary to fact.
Invisibility Idea that the Bible is necessary for knowing the gospel, for maintaining Spiritual life, and for knowing God's will, but is not necessary for knowing that God exists or for knowing something about his character and moral laws.
Holiness Some people who deny the inerrancy of the Bible claim that the Bible's purpose is only to tell us about these two subjects.
Grace Attribute of God whereby he will always do what he has said and will fulfill what he has promised
Goodness Heretical teaching that holds that God is not really three distinct persons, but only one person who appears to people in different modes at different times.
Faithfulness Study of the teachings of the individual authors and sections of the Bible and of the place of each teaching in the historical development of the Bible.
Blessedness The knowledge of God's existence, character, and moral law, which comes through creation to all humanity.
Beauty Attribute of God whereby his total essence, all of his spiritual being, will never be able to be seen by us, yet God still shows himself to us through visible, created things.
Unity Doctrine that God is true God, and that all his knowledge and words are both true and the final standard of truth.
Unchangeableness Attribute of God wherebye he always acts in accordance with what is right and is himself the final standard of what is right.
Omnipresence 20th century theological movement represented by the teachings of Karl Barth. Barth taught that the words of Scripture become Gods words to us as we encounter them.
Infinite The doctrine that God continually seeks to protect his own honor.
Immugability Doctrine that God is unchanging in his being, perfections, purposes, and promises, yet God does act and feel emotions, and he acts and feels differently in response to different situations.
Eternity Doctrine that God exists as a being who is not made of matter, has no parts or dimensions, is unable to be perceived by our bodily senses, and is more excellent than any other kind of existence.
Infinity with respect to space Righteousness

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