Diagnostic | | Hypotension may result postoperatively due to loss of this substance |
Palliative | | Common occurrence after spinal anesthetic |
Clubbing | | Thickening of the flesh around the nails due to chronic hypoxia |
Creatinine | | Surgical procedure to determine cause of symptoms |
Surgeon | | Blood test that evaluates kidney function |
Battery | | Surgical procedure to relieve symptoms without curing the disease |
PCA | | Nursing intervention used to prevent formation of DVT |
Antibiotic | | Treatment for malignant hyperthermia |
Anesthesia | | Sudden, dramatic, bursting of suture line with abdominal contents protruding out |
Headache | | Harmful or offensive touching of another human being without permission |
Malignant hyperthermia | | Must be administerd within one hour of surgical incision |
Dantrolene | | Induced state of partial or total loss of sensation, occurring with or without loss of consciousness |
Oxygen | | Alveoli collapse from mucus plug or a decrease in surfactant |
Ambulation | | Manifested as decreased peristalsis due to anesthesia postoperatively |
Atelectasis | | Partial or total separation of wound edges |
Pneumonia | | Responsible for explaining benefits/risks of surgical procedure |
Blood | | Life-threatening complication triggered by anesthesia |
Incentive spirometer | | Secretion pooling in lower airway due to shallow breathing & immobility resulting in pulmonary infection |
Ileus | | Method by which patient can self-administer analgesic |
Dehiscence | | Almost always administered to postoperative patient till awake and alert |
Evisceration | | Mechanical device that promotes sustained maximal inspiration |