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Voc. Quiz #9 Africa


1Muhammad _____Of the hightest quality
2Africa _____The prophet of Islam, messanger of god.
3Mosque _____The biggest empire in western Africa
4Basin _____A holy shrine in Makka
5Lake _____to decrease in numbers or quality
6Kaaba _____A series of connected mountains
7Nile River _____The emperor of Mali made a pilgrimage to Makka--richest man--
8Mountain Range _____The founder of the Mali empire related to Mansa Musa--Lion King--
9Qu'ran _____2nd largest continent
10Sahara _____Largest desert in the world in the northern part of Africa
11Sunni Ali _____story teller in Africa
12Songhai _____The most important leader of the Songhai empire
13Mali _____The holy book of Islam.
14Ghana _____large area of water sorrounded by land
15Prime _____larges river in Africa
16Diminish _____The first empire in western Africa--the kingdom of gold--
17Fee _____low land surrounded by mountains containing a river drainage
18Griot _____a tax or price
19Mansa Musa _____A muslim place of worship
20Sundiata Keita _____Western African empire lead by Mansa Musa

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