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Chapter Three Human Development

Pages 69 -73 (stop at Mutations)

In-Class Activity

XX attributes influenced by single genes, usually on X chromosome
XY A weaker gene that can be dominated
genotype A gene that is expressed phenotypically
phenotype the activation of particular genes in particular cells which influences traits
epigenetic effects two genes expressed, such as A and B blood types producing AB blood type in children
gene expression female zygote
single gene-pair inheritance produces new trait, such as red and white flowers producing pink
dominant gene the traits a person eventually has
recessive gene characteristics influenced by multiple pairs of genes
incomplete dominance the sum total of genes transmitted from parent to offspring
codominance ways in which genetic information is modified by environment and translated into the substance and behavior of an organism
sex-linked characteristcs traits influenced by only one pair of genes, one from the mother and one from the father
hemophilia more common among males, sex-linked on X chromosome
polygenic traits male zygote

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