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You are what you eat

Ms. Anoush

What do you call someone that eats bugs? or someone who eats only grass? Animals eat different things. Often their diet is very selective and sometimes not. Aside from "carnivore" and "herbivore", there are others, more narrow categories. also, there are many other words associated with animal diets.

1Carnivore _____Eats fish
2Eats plants _____Hunts other animals
3Insectivore _____Eats and lives off of a living host
4Eats everything _____Herbivore
5Detritivore _____Myrmiovore
6Eats fruit _____Meat of a dead animal
7Sanguinivore _____Frugivore
8Scavanger _____Granivore
9Carrion _____Eats decomposing plant matter, detritus
10Piscivore _____Omnivore
11Eats seeds _____Invertivore
12Nectarivore _____Eats mainly insects
13Parasite _____An animal that looks for anything dead to eat
14Eats anything without a backbone _____Feeds on blood of other animals
15Eats mainly ants _____Eats only nectar
16Vermivore _____Eats mainly worms

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