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20 Random Points 9


1GB 17 _____With patient looking straight ahead, on pupil line, approx 1 cun superior to the midpoint of the eyebrow, at junction of frontal eminence and superciliary arch
2GB 16 _____on midline, below spinous process of T 11 , level with Bl 20 (NO MOXA)
3GB 15 _____With patient looking straight ahead, directly superior to the pupil and 0.5 cun superior to anterior hairline.
4GB 14 _____in the depression anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula, between the peroneus longus and extensor digitorum longus muscles (he sea pt, earth pt, hui meeting pt of tendons, lower he sea, heavenly star pt)
5SI 8 _____with jaw clenched, on highest prominence of masseter muscle, approx on fingerwidth anterior and superior to angle of jaw ( sun si miao ghost pt)
6St 11 _____On the medial border of the foot, in a depression at the anterior border of the navicular bone, at border of red and white skin. (ying spring, fire pt, meeting pt with yin qiao)
7Bl 9 _____on upper border of clavicle, between tendons of sternal and clavicular heads of sternocleidomastoid muscle.
8Bl 8 _____on midline, below spinous process of T10
9LI 15 _____1.5 cun lateral to midline and 5.5 cun superior to anterior hairline, or 0.5 cun posterior to Du 20
10Liv 5 _____1/5 cun superior to the anterior hairline, on pupil line or 2.25 cun lateral to the midline (midway between Du 24 and St 8)
11K 2 _____2.5 cun superior to anterior hairline, and 2.25 cun lateral to the midline
12GB 34 _____With eyes looking straight ahead, directly below centre of pupil and approx 0.4 cun lateral to corner of mouth
13GB 33 _____on lateral mandible, anterior to masseter muscle
14Du 7 _____on lateral aspect of knee, with knee flexed, in depression between the shaft and lateral epicondyle and the tendon of the biceps femoris muscle, approx 3 cun prox to GB 34
15SI 3 _____on medial aspect of lower leg, 5 cun proximal to highest prominence of medial malleolus, just posterior to medial crest of tibia, between crest of tibia and gastrocnemius muscle ( luo pt)
16Du 6 _____2.5 cun superior to posterior hairline and 1.3 cun lateral to the midline or Du 17 which is directly superior to external occipital protuberance.
17Du 5 _____in depression distal and anterior to acromion, between clavicular and acromial portions of the deltoid muscle ( the posterior depression contains SJ 14
18St 6 _____on ulnar border of hand, in depression proximal to metacarpophalangeal joint, at border of red and white skin. (shu stream pt, wood pt, tonification pt, opens Du mai)
19St 5 _____with elbow flexed in depression between olecranon process of ulna and medial epicondyle of humerus (he sea, earth, sedation pt)
20St 4 _____on Midline, below spinous process of L1

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