woman centred in theory and research | | women are the slaves of the wage slaves |
Patriarchy | | Elizabeth Bott |
Liberal feminism | | mainstream feminism concerns itself with the experiences of white women |
Marxist feminism | | capitalism and patriarchy oppersses women |
Selma James | | women centred Marxism |
conjugal roles | | paid labour and housework |
March of progress theories | | male domination |
different but equal | | who does what in the home |
Andrea Dworkin | | all men are potential rapists |
Black Feminism | | Feminism |
Susan Brownmiller | | women's position in society is improving |
domestic division of labour | | paid labour, housework and emotion work |
the triple shift | | women centred Functionalism |
dual burden | | equality through the law |
equal opportunities | | sociology dominated by men |
socialist feminism | | pornography creates domestic violence |
Malestream sociology | | key phrase for liberal feminism |