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Group Four Puzzle

Chapters 10, 11, and 12

Jordan Shadburn, Sarah Doherty, Steven Landry, Becca Morse, Rebecca Harrison, Erika Cabral, Chris Henderson

1Cubism _____Art movement based on irrationality and negation of the accepted laws of beauty.
2Edmond Fortier _____A photographer who changed his ideas of photography from pictorial and is most known for this photo The Steerage.
3Alfred Stieglitz _____A photographer who’s most noted for influencing Picaso with his post card photos.
4Futurism _____Romantic pictorialist who took up modernism with zeal of a convert.
5Abstraction _____An album by Byrne containing over 200 photos of important and dangerous criminals with descriptions of their methods and records.
6Dada _____Made first fashion photographs in 1911 applying artistic precepts to commercial photography-led to falling out with Steiglitz because of complex/unrealistic attitudes about things artists could do for money without selling artistic souls to devil.
7Hannah Höch _____Work by Curtis containing close to 2,200 images with 20 volumes of text. Today his fabricated work is the only evidence of many tribes previous existence.
8Abstraction _____An African-American photographer who was published on the cover of Time in 1963.
9Photogram _____Develops the Zone System dividing greyscale into 11 zones.
10Man Ray _____A commonly held belief that any one can achieve and succeed if they pull them selves up from their boot straps and works hard to get ahead.
11László Moholy-Nagy _____A photo from the Hampton album-depicting Native and African Americans learning the white man’s ways
12Surrealism _____An artist who came from a suprematism background who made photomontages.
13Max Ernst _____Berlin dadaist who created avant-garde photographic collages such as ABCD.
14Raoul Hausmann _____Photograph by Dororthea Lange of a mother and her two children.
15Suprematism _____An artist who made books of collage and used cliché-verre to illustrate books.
16Aleksandr Rodchenko _____An artist who photographed Room for Improvement and the Many are Called series.
17John Heartfield  _____Photos by E.J. Bellocq that explored the forbidden world of prostitutes.
18Muckraking _____An African American who was championed as a remedy for racial troubles by bringing the “light of Civilization” to the nations darker races.
19Pittsburgh Survey _____Female artist who reinvented photomontage.
20Men at Work _____Emerged in late 20’s with industrial series on Otis Steel Mills in Ohio-products into making of automobiles and skyscrapers.
21The North American Indian _____An image that accentuates geometric form, sharper focus, and getting closer to the subject by Paul Strand.
22The Hampton Institute _____White School alumni, influenced commercial field by combining new direct aesthetic and celebration of technologically derived objects as heroic subject matter.
23Booker T. Washington _____Showed opposite of f/64 philosophy with prolific output of melodramatic tableaux, instructional books, and classes.
24The American Dream _____Photo booth.
25Class in American History _____Born Emmanuel Rudnitsky. A member of the dada movement who reinvented the photogram in works he called rayographs.
26Storyville Portraits _____The exposing of political and social corruption.
27Mexican Sombrero with Hammer and Sickle (1927) and Bandolier, Corn, Sickle (1927) _____An artist who reinvented the photogram who came from a constructivist background. Made Double Portrait.
28Horace Poolaw _____A series of books that Sander planned to publish. Nazis banned the series in 1934 after the first volume was released.
29Anachronisms _____A stye of photography that was based on the aesthetic possibilities of geometric form as it related to architecture and the machine. These photographs used geometric compositions, close ups, and oblique points.
30One Time, One Place, Mississippi in the Depression: A snapshot album (1971 _____Anachronisms- Items in a photo that break down the time-honored distance between “them and us."
31Professional Criminals of America _____A school dedicated to the reformist ideal of industrial training to eliminate poverty between rural Native and African Americans.
32Man in the Twentieth Century _____An image that accentuates geometric form, sharper focus, and getting closer to the subject by Paul Strand.
33New Vision or Bauhaus Photography _____An influential visual art styles of the early twentieth century heavily influenced by Pablo Picaso.
34Solarization _____An artist who reinvented photomontage and published his controversial political works.
35Photomaton _____An artistic movement that focused on contemporary concepts of the future, including speed, technology, youth, cars and violence.
36Propaganda _____What Man Ray called the rediscovery of the Sabattier effect. Which is the partial reversal of an image caused by exposing it to light during development.
37Gordon Parks _____A family album photographed by Welty.
38Migrant Mother _____A picture produced with photographic materials, such as light-sensitive paper, but without a camera.
39Walker Evans _____Modotti’s later work which attempted to join art with propaganda. These photos became preachy clichés.
40Paul Outerbridge  _____A literary and artistic movement that attempts to express the workings of the subconscious and is characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtaposition of subject matter. (i.e. anything can be art if it is observed as art.)
41Margaret Bourke-White  _____A Kiowa who became one of the first Native American professional photographers.
42Edward Steichen _____Photographic picture book by Hine in which he summed up his position on the friction between humans and technology.
43Ansel Adams _____Information of a biased or misleading nature used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
44Imogen Cunningham  _____Their massive six-volume report on the city’s industrial conditions was a pivotal document of the reform movement.
45William Mortensen _____A Russian art movement characterized by simple geometric shapes and associated with ideas of spiritual purity.

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