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soc101 quiz2

Primary Deviance  The social environment that one is raised in will determine their potential to commit criminal acts.
Retribution Non-criminal violations. In a civil suit, an individual who has been harmed seeks personal compensation in court rather than criminal punishment through persecution.
Criminal Intent Those who often lose sight of societies goals but are over compulsive to the means. (Ex. Someone who goes to church every week but does not practice what it teaches.)
Deviant Behavior  The practice by law enforcement, in the normal course of their duties, to either arrest or ticket someone for an offense or to overlook the matter.
Recidivism Acts that are morally wrong in themselves: such as murder, rape and robbery.
Tertiary Deviance  The belief that those who lack intimate attachments to parents, teachers and other positive role models and also lack the desire to live a law abiding life are free to break the law.
Labeling Theory  A modern approach, linked to the development of social sciences, deviance is viewed as the product of social problems or personal problems. Social conditions are improved and offenders subjected to intervention appropriate their condition.
Vandalism A criminal conspiracy that provides illegal services for profit.
White collar Crime  A modern approach easier to apply than rehabilitation. If society is unable or unwilling to improve the criminal or reform social conditions; protection from further deviance is afforded by life ling incarceration or execution.
Misdemeanor The willful destruction of property without the consent of the owner.
Strain Theory  a less serious violation of criminal law punishable by a fine, community service, probation, or incarceration of up to one year in a county jail.
Civil Law  Illegal acts committed by individuals who identify with the criminal label and choose to live a criminal lifestyle.
Secondary Deviance  The percentage of repeat offenders. Criminals who commit a crime, get arrested, released and return to a life of crime.
Mala Prohibita Any action that society considers unacceptable but not necessarily illegal.
Medicalization of Deviance Crime is a learning process involving communication and interaction with those who choose a criminal lifestyle over that of conformity.
Ritualism Individuals or groups who fell it is their responsibility to tell the public what is right for them.
Mala In Se  Acts that violate criminal law, but do not usually harm those involved. (EX Prostitution, gambling)
Police Discretion  an early modern approach, deviance is viewed as social disruption, which society acts to control. (EX. California's three strikes law)
Deterrence Punishment comparable in severity to the deviance itself. "An eye for an eye"
Social Protection  The willed or conscious desire to commit an act that violates criminal law.
Cultural Transmission Theory  The perspective that crime is a sign of mental illness.
Felony People who are believed to be biological throwbacks to a pre-human species.
Control Theory  Belief that one's presentation or appearance will likely influence other peoples opinion of them.
Victimless Crime  acts that are wrong because they are prohibited by legislation; although they might not be recognized by most people as morally wrong. (I.e. Drug use, underage drinking.)
Rehabilitation Crimes committed by individuals who are in a position of high responsibility and break the law in the course of their work which often entitles them access for personal or privileged information.
Moral Entrepreneurs  The theory that if a person cannot gain something through legitimate means, they will seek out alternative ones.
Atavisms Unintentionally putting oneself in a position to be a victim of crime.
Victim Precipitation  "Normalizing" behavior considered deviant by mainstream society. Something everyone else is doing. (I.E. Pirating software, smoking marijuana)
Organized Crime  Random criminal acts committed by individuals who DO NOT consider themselves criminals. These are crimes of opportunity.
Differential Association Theory  The most serious violation of criminal law punishable by a substantial fine, extended community service, probation, or incarceration of up to one year in a state facility.

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