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Chapter 22

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Abduction Turning the joint outward
Adduction Moving a body part away from the midline of the body
Ambulation Turning the joint inward
Atrophy Turning the joint downward
Contracture Bending the toes and foot up at the ankle
Dorsiflexion Straightening a body part
Extension The foot is bent; bending the foot down at the ankle
External rotation The decrease in size or the wasting away of tissue
Flexion The act of walking
Footdrop Moving a body part toward the midline of the body
Hyperextension Bending a body part
Internal rotation The lack of joint mobility caused by abnormal shortening of a muscle
Orthostatic hypotension Turning the joint
Plantar flexion The movement of a joint to the extent possible without causing pain
Pronation Abnormally low blood pressure when the person suddenly stands up; postural hypotension
Range of motion Excessive straightening of a body part
Rotation Turning the joint upward
Supination The foot falls down at the ankle; permanent plantar flexion

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