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Photoshop CS6 Revealed, Chapter 3 & 4

Word Match

1blending mode _____Similar to tolerance, in that the lower the value, the closer the color pixels must be to be selected.
2crop _____a series of dotted lines indicating a selected area that can be edited or dragged into another image.
3flattening _____Small boxes that appear along the perimeter of a selected object and are used to change the size of an image.
4layer comp _____Horizontal and vertical lines that you create to help you align objects.
5layer group _____merges all visible layers into a single Background layer and discards all hidden layers.
6layer thumbnail _____A feature in which the border of a picture or portrait fades into the surrounding color at its edges.
7marquee _____A feature that lets you protect or modify a particular area; created using a marquee.
8merging _____The range of pixels that determines which pixels will be selected. The lower the value, the closer the color is to the selection. The setting can have a value from 0
9object layer _____The temporary storage area provided by your operating system, for cut and copied data.
10opacity _____a layer containing one or more images.
11rasterized _____a variation on the arrangement and visibility of existing layers that can make your work more organized.
12selection _____contains a miniature picture of the layer’s content, and appears to the left of the layer name on the Layers panel.
13clipboard _____Combining images from sources such as other Photoshop images, royalty-free images, pictures taken from digital cameras, and scanned artwork.
14compositing _____an area in an image that is surrounded by a selection marquee and can then be manipulated.
15deselect _____turned into a bitmapped image layer.
16fastening point _____A command that removes the marquee from an area so it is no longer selected.
17fuzziness _____combining multiple image layers into a single layer.
18guides _____An anchor within the marquee. A small circle appears on the pointer when you have reached the starting point.
19handles _____affects the layer’s underlying pixels or base color. Used to darken or lighten colors, depending on the colors in use
20mask _____an organizing tool you use to associate layers on the Layers panel.
21tolerance _____determines the percentage of transparency.
22vignette _____to exclude part of an image. It hides areas of an image without losing resolution quality.
23vignette effect _____A feature that uses feathering to fade a marquee shape.

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