Tá an scoil ró-acadúil | | some of the rules are foolish |
tá a lán le foghlaim san ábhar sin | | it's not right or fair |
don té atá lag go matamaitic | | for the person weak at maths |
is dúshlán rómhór é | | everything depends on one big exam |
bíonn roinnt de na hábhair casta | | you may not use Tippex |
teipeann ar an iomarca daltaí | | I'd prefer to see continuous assessment |
tá an córas ródheacair do roinnt daltaí | | there's a lot to learn in that subject |
braitheann gach rud ar scrúdú mór amháin | | the system doesn't suit everybody |
tá an iomarca brú ar dhaltaí | | it's too big a challenge |
b'fhearr liom measúnú leanúnach a fheiceáil sna scoileanna | | you may not wear make up |
níl cead Tippex a úsáid | | the system is too difficult for some students |
ní oireann an córas do gach duine | | there's too much pressure on pupils |
tá roinnt de na rialacha amaideach | | too many pupils fail |
níl sé ceart ná cóir | | the school is too academic |
níl cead smideadh a chaitheamh | | some of the subjects are complicated |