1. Abraham Lincoln | | 12.Born in the U.S. have automatic ciizenship p.556 |
2. Freedman | | 13. Laws in the south to stop Africam people the right to vote p553 |
3. Amnesty | | 15. White racist group formed in 1870 to terrorize African Americans p.557 |
4. Resolve | | 4. To decide p.548 |
5. Voluntary | | 1. 16th President of the U.S. p.549 |
6. Register | | 2. African American people who were freed after the Civil War. p.544 |
7. Republican Radical | | 6. Enroll p.555 |
8. Dred Scott | | 8. A slave who sued for his freedom p.554 |
9. Andrew Johnson | | 5. Done of own's own free will p.547 |
10. Amendment 13 | | 9. 17th U.S. President who served after Licoln was killed p.552 |
11. Amendment 14th | | 3. People pardon p.547 |
12. Amendment 15th | | 14. First African American to serve in the Senate, 1875 p.555 |
13. Black codes | | 11. Reinforce the Civil Rights Act for states p.553 |
14. Hiram Revel | | 10. Abolished slavery p.552 |
15. The Ku Klux Klan | | 7. Strong support for African American rights in the south p.555 |