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House Calls Aid Frail Elderly


Most elders want to remain in their own homes to age in place rather than relocate to facilities with on- site nursing and medical personnel, although acute and repeated exacerbations of chronic illness may temporarily require intensive medical monitoring and intervention. Ideally, some or all of this care will be provided at home, preventing institutionalization according to Generations article, House Calls Make a Comeback.

1House-Call _____A federal system of health insurance for people over 65 years of age and for certain younger people with disabilities.
2Medicare _____Having a rapid onset and following a short but severe course
3chronic _____A professional visit made to a home, especially by a physician
4acute _____individuals over 65 years old who have functional impairments.
5homebound _____Lasting for a long period of time or marked by frequent recurrence, as certain diseases:
6institutionalization _____in patients hospitalized for a long period, the development of excessive dependency on the institution and its routines, with diminishing of the will to function independently
7frail elderly _____Patient leaves home: Infrequently For a short period of time and requires taxing effort

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