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Sea Cadet Word Match

Gabriel John Coombs

Match the words with the descriptions to reveal what is done in cadets

Sea Cadets The fourth officer rank in Sea Cadets
Able Seaman The name of the program
Leading Seaman The second rank in Sea Cadets
Master Seaman The course at a SCSTC which involves capsizing and turtling
Petty Officer Second Class The rank after Captain
Petty Officer First Class The course at a SCSTC which involves tieing knots
Chief Second Class The division of squad that uses rifles
Chief First Class The course at a SCSTC which involves using instruments
Naval Cadet The first officer rank in Sea Cadets
Acting Sub Lieutenant The third officer rank in Sea Cadets
Sub Lieutenant The sixth rank in Sea Cadets
Lieutenant The course at a SCSTC which involves learning everything about the SCSTC
Lieutenant Commander The third rank in Sea Cadets
Commander The fifth rank in Sea Cadets
Captain The couse at a SCSTC which involves leadership
Commodore The fourth rank in Sea Cadets
Guard The seventh rank in Sea Cadets
Band The seventh officer rank in Sea Cadets
Boatswain The sixth officer rank in Sea Cadets
Camp Band The fifth officer rank in Sea Cadets
Sail Sea Cadets for adults
Gunnery The second officer rank in Sea Cadets
General Training The division or squad that uses instruments
Navy The first rank in Sea Cadets

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