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Use on an art exam.

perceive  a dark value of a hue made by adding black to it
elements of art  image of a person's face/upper body
principles of art  object with three dimensions
line  the principle of art that refers to a 2-D decorative visual repetition
contour drawing  roller with a handle used to apply ink to a surface
gesture drawing  principle of art concerned with difference or contrast
shape  the image viewers can easily identify in a work of art
form  principle of art that makes one part of a work dominant over another
space  a style that emphasized the expression of innermost feelings
colour  a piece of material to carve into
hue  simplifying objects
value  an image of one self's face/upper body
intensity  the message the work communicates
complementary colours  principle of art concerned with equalizing visual forces or elements in a work of art
tint  to become deeply aware through the senses of the spectral nature of a visual object
shade  a quick/loose sketch to capture the basic form of an object
texture  an organized approach for studying a piece of art
rhythm  the qualities that communicate ideas and moods
pattern  technique of shading with a series of fine parallel lines
motif  basic visual symbols in the language of art. Line, shape, form, space, colour, texture
balance  a 2-D area that is defined in some way
proportion  colours opposite each other on the colour wheel
variety  a wooden block to put the ink on
harmony  peace of life
emphasis  a list of important facts about a work of art
unity  the element of art that refers to the area around, above, below, or within objects
grid enlargement  the name of a colour in the colour spectrum
linoleum block  paintings that tell stories
brayer  the quality of wholeness or oneness that is achieved through effective use of the elements and principles of art
ink slab  the element of art that describes the lightness or darkness of an object
pastoral  the principle of art that indicates movement through the repetition of elements or objects
nationalism  a sense of pride in one's country
genre  the brightness or dullness of a colour
art criticism  drawing that describes edges/surface of an object
credit line  the element of art that is derived from reflected light
subject  the way the principles of art are used to organize the elements of art
composition  A light value of a hue caused by mixing the hue with white
content  the element of art that refers to how things feel or look as they may feel if touched
portrait  something that represents something else
self-portrait  the path of a dot through space
symbol  drawing technique used to increase the scale of the image while retaining proportion
expressionism  rules the govern how artists organize the elements of art. rhythm, movement pattern, balance, proportion, variety, emphasis, harmony
abstraction  principle of art concerned with the size relationships of one part to another
expressive qualities  object that is repeated in a pattern

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