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Romeo & Juliet

William Shakespeare

Based upon the tragedy of the young, beautiful, and rich daughter of the Capulets, who falls in love with the rich and handsome son of their rivals, the Montagues. Through this romance we find that, love, does not always have a happy ending.

Prince Escalus Nuetral
Romeo Nuetral
Rosaline Capulet
Benvolio Capulet
Mercutio Capulet
Juliet Capulet
Lord&Lady Capulet Capulet
Tyblat Capulet
Lord&Lady Montague Nuetral
Nurse Nuetral
Friar Lawrence Montague
Friar John Nuetral
Paris Capulet
Balthasar Montague
Sampson Nuetral
Gregory Montague
Peter Montague
Apothecary Capulet

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