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ch 7 Geometry

Mrs. Grove

acute triangle is a polygon with all sides congruent and all angles
vertical angles  an angle between 0 degrees and 90 degrees
complementary when the sum of 2 angles = 90 degrees
equilateral triangle when the sum of 2 angles are =180 degrees
isosceles triangle a triangle with one 90 degree angle
obtuse triangle a trapezoid with exactly one pair of parellel
parallel lines has 4 congruent sides and 4 right angles
parallelogram is a quadrilateral with both pairs of opposie sides parallel
rectangle has 3 congruent sides
congruent angles angles that are betweeen 90 and 180 degrees
regular polygon has at least 2 congruent sides
rhombus is a triangle with no equal sides
right triangle formed by 2 intersecting lines & are opposite each other
scalene triangle has 4 congruent sides
square angles with = measures
supplementary a four sides figure with 4 right angles
trapazoid lines on the same plane and never intersect

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