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Alexandra Jurkowski

Abstract Language repetition of identical consonant sounds before and after different vowel words (ex: fulfill or Ping-Pong)
Ad hominem an element in literature that conveys a realistic portrayal of a specific geographical locale, using the locale and its influences as a major part of the plot
Allegory reference to another famous work or figure that is assumed to be well-known enough to be recognized
Alliteration an event, object, custom, person, or thing that is out of order in time. (ex: A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court)
Allusion a brief tale used in medieval times to illustrate a sermon or teach a lesson
Ambiguity a work that ridicules the style of another work by imitating and exaggerating its elements
Anachronism short tale that teaches a moral; similar to but shorter than an allegory
Analogy harsh, awkward,or dissonant sounds used DELIBERATELY.
Anaphora the demand made that the reader accept the incidents recounted in the literary work
Anecdote emotional attitude of a work
Aphorism a short descriptive narrative, usually a poem, about an idealized country life.
Apostrophe reversing the customary order of elements in a sentence or phrase: it is used effectively in many cases (ex: Are you going to the store? To the store, are you going?
Assonance a narrator, referred to as I, reveals their actions/thoughts
Antithesis the repetition of vowel sounds between different consonants, such as in neigh/fade
Cacophony qualities of a fictional or nonfictional work that evoke sorrow or pity. Over emotionalism can be the result of an excess of pathos
Colloquialism the use of symbols or anything that is meant to be taken both literally and as representative of higher and more complex significance
Conceit an event/situation that may be interpreted in more than one way.
Connotation word/phrase used in everyday language that is INAPPROPRIATE in FORMAL writing
Consonance sentence that begins by stating what is not true, then ending by stating what is true
Conundrum A comparison of TWO SIMILAR BUT DIFFERENT things, usually to clarify an action or a relationship. (ex: a heart to a pump)
Denotation  third person narrator who only reports what would be visible to a camera; thoughts, feelings only revealed if a character speaks of them
Didactic a literary, artistic, and philosophical movement that began in the 18th century as a reaction to neoclassicism; the focal points of the movement are imagination, emotion, and freedom, stressing subjectivity, individuality, the love and worship of nature, and a fascination with the past.
Dissonance a third-person narrator who reports the thoughts of only one character
Epigram a sentence that is not grammatically complete until its last phrase
Epigraph technique of arranging words, phrases, clauses, or larger structures by placing them side by side and making them similar in form
Euphony a figure of speech that uses the name of an object, person, or idea to represent something with which it is associated. (ex: "the crown" to refer to the monarch)
Exemplum places reader inside the character's head, making the reader privy to the continuous flow of disconnected, half- formed thoughts and impressions in the character's mind
Freight Train contradictory words or phrases (ex: wise fool)
Hubris  sentence consisting of three or more very short independent clauses joined by conjunctions
Hyperbole a succession of harmonious sounds used in poetry or prose
Idyll "against the man" writer attacks opponents rather than the arguement
Interior Monologue a riddle whose answer is or involves a pun; may also be a paradox or difficult problem
Inversion sentence consisting of three parts of equal importance and length, usually three independent clauses
Loose Sentence a figure of speech in which a part of something is used to represent a whole.
Metonymy a short, simple narrative of an incident; often used for humorous effect to make a point
Mood term used to describe fiction or nonfiction that teaches a specific lesson or moral or provides a model of correct behavior or thinking
Motif writing that records the conversation that occurs inside a character's head
Negative positive a short, often witty statement of a principle or a truth of life
Objectivity an elaborate figure of speech- two seemingly DISSIMILAR things/situations are compared
Oxymoron an impersonal presentation of events and characters
Parable the excessive pride or ambition that leads a tragic hero to disregard warnings of impending doom.
Paradox a work that reveals a critical attitude toward some element of human behavior by portraying it in an extreme way.
Parallelism literal meaning of a word as defined
Parody a balancing of two opposite/contrasting words, phrases, or clauses
Pathos language describing ideas and qualities rather than observable or specific things, people, or places.
Periodic Sentence the way a written work conveys an author's attitude
P.O.V. first person narrative a statement that seems to contradict it but that turns out to have a rational meaning.
P.O.V. stream of consciousness sentence that is grammatically complete before its end.
P.O.V. omniscient device of calling out to a imaginary, dead, or absent person or to a place, thing, or personified abstraction
P.O.V. objective a witty saying that either stands alone or is part of a larger work
Realism  harsh or grating sounds that do not go together
Regionalism main theme or subject of a work that is elaborated on in the development of the piece; a repeated pattern or idea
Romanticism  an extended narrative (in prose or verse) in which characters, events, and setting represent abstract qualities intends a second meaning
Satire specific type of repetition, word, phrase, or clause repeated at the beginning of two or more sentences in a row.
Suspension of Disbelief repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words that are close together. (ex: beautiful blossoms blooming between the bushes)
Symbolism deliberate exaggeration in order to create humor or emphasis
Synecdoche 19th century literary movement in Europe and the United States that stressed accuracy in the portrayal of life, focusing on characters with whom middle-class readers could easily identify
Tricolon implied/suggested meaning of a word because of its association in reader's mind
Voice a quotation or aphorism at the beginning of a literary work suggestive of theme

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