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Terrorism in the 21st Century

Caitlin Goff

Lesson 46

Terrorist attacks of the 1990s A bomb went off in the basement of the World Trade Center, only 6 died though hundreds were injured.
Nations that were hostile to the US A bomb destroyed an American passenger plane flying over Scotland and 270 people were killed.
1988 Attack Actions taken to prevent an attack before it happens.
1993 Attack He was the president and military dictator of Iraq.
World Trade Center The US military captured and imprisioned Saddam Hussein and replaced him with a governing council.
September 11th, 2001 1,700
al Qaeda a huge office, retail and transportation complex in NYC's financial district.
Department of Homeland Security A fundamentalist Muslim group that ruled Afghanistan
Taliban A group of Islamic terrorists attack the with highjacked American passenger planes US, specifically the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Thousands died, as did all of the highjackers.
Preemptive Strike Islamic Nations
December 2003 Significance Coordinates the domestic national-security efforts of various federal agencies.
Saddam Hussein The US attacked Afghanistan and ousted the Taliban within a few months.
Number of Americans killed in Iraq as of summer 2005 Bush was reelected
2004 Election The international terrorist network that Osama bin Laden, 9/11 attack leader, was a part of.
October 2001 Highly successful ambushes, instigated by people who were eager to sacrifice their own lives

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