Christian thinkers who defended and explained Christian beliefs. | | Martyrs |
The truth that the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, while remaining God, assumed a human nature and became man. | | Apologists |
the Church's list of sacred books in the Bible. | | Emperor Nero |
A belief or attitude or teaching contrary to the revealed truth and to the Church's doctrine of faith. | | Heresy |
The living and authentic transmission of the teachings of Jesus Christ | | Canon |
Declaration allowing religous freedom in the Roman empire. | | Episcopos |
Persons who witness to the truth of the faith by enduring death. | | Tradition |
Who are todays presbyters? | | Catechumens |
Effecitive signs of grace. | | Sacraments |
Denail of the fact God exists. | | Edict of Milan |
A doctrine belief, attitude or teaching that is consistent with revelaed truth. | | Apologists |
Those who were in the process of becoming initiated into the Church. | | Incarnation |
Christians who denied teachings of the Church. | | Priests |
Defended Christian beliefs. | | Orthodoxy |
This person was stoned to death and was follower of Paul. | | treason |
This roman emperor burned the city and blame dit on Christians. | | Stephen |
Christian were accused of what when they refused to worship roman gods in public. | | Bishops |
Means overseers. | | liaty |
Baptized citizens of the Church who are not saints but continue Jesus' work on Earth. | | Heretics |
Another word for bishops. | | Atheism |