fulguration | | surgical crushing of a stone |
renal transplant | | excision of the ureter |
ESWL | | incision of the meatus |
cystectomy | | surgical repair of the renal pelvis |
cystolithotomy | | excision of a kidney |
cystorrhaphy | | destruction of living tissue with an electric spark |
cystostomy | | excision of the bladder |
cystotomy | | incision of the bladder |
vesicotomy | | creation of an artificial opening into the ureter |
lithotripsy | | incision of the renal pelvis to remove a stone |
meatotomy | | surgical fixation of the kidney |
nephrectomy | | surgical repair of the urethra |
nephrolysis | | suspension pertaining to the bladder and urethra |
nephropexy | | incision of the bladder to remove a stone |
nephropyelolithotomy | | suturing the bladder |
nephrostomy | | creation of an artificial opening into the kidney |
pyelolithotomy | | noninvasive treatment for removal of kidney or ureteral stone(s) |
pyeloplasty | | surgical implantation of a donor kidney to replace a nonfunctioning kidney |
ureterectomy | | incision through the kidney to the renal pelvis to remove a stone |
ureterostomy | | creating an artificial opening into the bladder |
urethroplasty | | incision of the bladder |
vesicourethral suspension | | seperating thr kidney (from other body structures) |