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Film Things

Yaser Rahmani

A challenging and thrilling experience awaits you with this crossword-themed film. The plot centers around a crossword enthusiast who unexpectedly finds himself embroiled in a high-stakes game of words and wits. As he digs deeper, he uncovers a web of secrets and hidden messages hidden within the crossword puzzles he loves so much. With each clue, he uncovers more pieces of a dangerous puzzle that threatens to consume him completely. Full of twists and turns, this film keeps you on the edge of your seat as you try to solve the puzzles along with the protagonist. With colorful characters and mind-bending gameplay, this is one crossword puzzle you won't want to put down.


4.Mentally divide the picture into equal thirds, both vertically and horizontally, with two lines in each direction. The ‘focal point’ of the picture (see above) should be on the intersection of one pair of lines (‘on the thirds’).
5.Dominant vertical lines within a picture carry the same freight as ‘portrait’ formats; dominant horizontal lines, the same as ‘landscape’. Diagonal lines, as in many propaganda and advertising images, add dynamism and energy. Curved lines are supposedly easier on the eye than straight: hence the famous ‘S‐curve’ of the early 20th‐century pictorialists.
6.every picture should have a natural first resting point for the eye. This is often the principal subject but may equally be (for example) a wheelbarrow in a garden, where the garden is the real subject.
1.its a extra long shot
2.Its a long shot
3.Its a close shot

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