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Behind the Scenes Learnzillion Review

NaTasha Bellow-Mott

Name: _________________________________ Fill in the blank using the sources from our Behind the Scenes unit. Some clues are listed more than once.


4._______ lifted one foot on the air. Then the other, She flew clumsily at first.
7.Then she felt the magic, the _______ . Say she rose just as free as a bird. As light as a feather.
8.The swaying motion of the crowd, in the dim uncertain lights, was like the rising and falling of _______ -like the ebb and flow of the tide upon the stranded shore of the ocean.
10.Letters of _______ were received from all parts of the country, and even from foreign _______ potentates, but Mr. Andrew Johnson, the successor of Mr. Lincoln, never called on the widow.
12.Then she felt the _______ , the African mystery. Say she rose just as free as a bird. As light as a feather.
13.As we might have expected, the _______ are falsifying me, and doing just as they did when they prevented the Congressional appropriation. ML
17.During the second inaugural address-I looked out and never saw such a mass of heads before. It was like a black, gently swelling _______ .
19.Letters of condolence were received from all parts of the country, and even from foreign _______ , but Mr. Andrew Johnson, the successor of Mr. Lincoln, never called on the widow.
21.The only article of _______ , so far as I know, taken away from the White House by Mrs. Lincoln, was a little dressing–stand used by the _______ President.
22.Many colored people were in ________ [on the night of the second inauguration], and large numbers had desired to attend the reception, but orders were issued not to admit them.
25.I did not get to celebrate the victory of the end of The Civil War
28.I not only became Mrs. Lincoln's dressmaker but also one of her closet friends.
29.I had a hand in the assassination plot to kill President Lincoln.
34.I spent too much on dresses and left The White House $70,000 in debt.
35.[Elizabeth Keckley asked Mrs. Lincoln]-I should like for you to make me a present of the right-hand glove that the President wears at the first public reception after his _______ inaugural.
36.Elizabeth Keckley’s mother was _______. Her father called her Lizzie.
37.The only article of furniture, so far as I know, taken away from the White House by Mrs. Lincoln, was a little dressing–stand used by the _______
38.They flew in a flock that was black against the heavenly blue, Black crows or black _______ .
39.If I have portrayed the dark side of _______ , I have also portrayed the bright side.
1.Mrs. Lincoln often wrote.. “ Pray for me, dear Lizzie, for I am very ________ and broken–hearted.”
2.Elizabeth Keckley’s mother was Agnes. Her father called her _______ .
3.A member of ________ [was] on his way to the White House, recognized Mr. Frederick Douglass [waiting] on the outskirts of the crowd.
5.Black ________ leader Frederick Douglass was an early critic of President ________ Lincoln.
6.I shot President Lincoln while he was at a play at Ford's theater.
9.When the war of the _______ established the independence of the American colonies, an evil was perpetuated, slavery was more firmly established; and since the evil had been planted, it must pass through certain stages before it could be eradicated.
11.When the war of the Revolution established the independence of the American colonies, an evil was perpetuated, slavery was more firmly established; and since the _______ had been planted, it must pass through certain stages before it could be eradicated.
14._______ Frederick Douglass was the first person of color that was allowed to attend a Presidential _______ Inaugural Reception.
15.I was the youngest son of the Lincolns.
16.[Elizabeth Keckley asked Mrs. Lincoln]-I should like for you to make me a present of the _______ -hand glove that the President wears at the first public reception after his second inaugural.
18.My _______ friends were not so much responsible for the curse which I was born, as the God of nature and the fathers who framed the Constitution for the United Sates.
20.Frederick Douglass was the first person of color that was allowed to attend a Presidential _______ Reception.
23.Black abolitionist leader Frederick Douglass was an early critic of President ________ .
24.My Southern friends were not so much responsible for the curse which I was born, as the God of nature and the fathers who framed the Constitution for the _______ .
26.The _______ swaying motion of the crowd, in the dim uncertain lights, was like the rising and falling of _______ billows-like the ebb and flow of the tide upon the stranded shore of the ocean.
27.Douglass escaped from slavery in 1838 after a harsh life of servitude in _______ .
30.The ones that could fly shed their _______ . They couldn’t take their wings across the water on the slave ships.
31.If I have portrayed the dark side of slavery, I have also portrayed the _______ side.
32.They flew in a _______ that was black against the heavenly blue, Black crows or black _______ shadows.
33.I was the first person of color to be invited into the White House during an Inaugural Reception
37.Mrs. Lincoln often wrote.. “_______ for me, dear Lizzie, for I am very miserable and broken–hearted.”

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