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Art in America in Late 19thC.

J Howington-Pérez

Word Bank
Bannister, Edmonia Lewis, Henry Tanner, Thomas Eakins, Winslow Homer


2.He painted people & scenes of his native Philadelphia; people felt his paintings were too honest & too life-like.(2 Words)
3.He shattered the assumption posted in an article that said African-Americans were talented but not in painting or sculpture.
4.He was the most famous African-American artist of his period; moved to Paris and one of his paintings was hung in a place of honor in the Paris Salon.(2 Words)
5.His family encouraged him to paint; illustrated for Harper's Weekly for 17 years.(2 Words)
1.She was half African-American & half Native-American; life & death marked by mystery; was a sculptress.(2 Words)

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