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Simple Machines

Kayla. H

Try to find the definitions of these vocabulary words.

Word Bank
Efficiency, Inclined plane, Lever, Machines, Pulley, Screw, Wedge, WheelAxle, Work


4.The accuracy in which a machine's input energy is transformed to beneficial output energy or work.
5.It increases the force given to the item by using two inclined planes, but it does so over a shorter distance.
7.It utilizes a rope technique to shift the direction of a force, making it relatively easy for people to move things.
8.A tool that alters the size, direction, or length of a force's action.
1.Reducing the friction involved in moving an object such as using gears.
2.The force needed when using this ramp is less because of the gentle slope, but the load must be moved a greater distance.
3.A spiraling inclined plane that increases the distance required while decreasing the effort required.
5.The product of the force applied to an object and the distance through which that force is applied.
6.The force applied to the machine or the distance over which the force is applied varies when a bar rotates around a fixed point.

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