Soap Box #6:Holding A Proverbial Mirror To The Soul – The Power of Music
Linked to an article I wrote. Link is here:
Words in puzzle will be found here.
For the readers who know me personally, you
know that I am an eternal student and a career
teacher. This is certainly not limited to the
confines of the four walls of a classroom,
everything in life is a potential learning and
teaching moment, this blog is certainly not an
exception. So, just for fun, I’ve included a
crossword puzzle. All the clues refer to a
reference which appears somewhere in the blog.
Some based on the knowledge of English, others
offer slightly more obscure hints, which
require you think laterally and out-of-the-box.
Some clues refer to the music and bands
mentioned, whilst others require general
1. Sometimes the word forms might change, for
example, some might be referred to in plural
form in the text, but the answer requires its
singular form.
2. Or the form in the text might be in the
continuous form (present participle, e.g.
walking), but the answer requires the simple
form (infinitive, V1, e.g. walk).
3. UK spelling is used, as opposed to US.
4. Make sure your CAPS lock is off. The words
will appear in CAPS on the screen.
5. No spaces, type 2 word answers as one word,
for example, if the answer is Xavier Rudd, type
it as xavierrudd.
This is really just meant to be fun, I
personally love crossword puzzles.
Word Bank america, bobbejaanspinnekop, brother, candour, cascade, catstevens, cocaine, coleskop, constructivecriticism, crow, davidbowie, diamond, divorce, dumph, fuck, ghost, gold, hell, humpreybogart, hypocrite, inhomine, jimihendrix, lackey, larry, lobotomy, locomotion, longplay, lynch, marvingaye, matthew, may, metrofail, night, pink, plannedobsolescence, proverbial, rodriguez, saffer, sage, snotdragon, snowpuff, squirrel, stoicism, thebends, thechallenger, thirteen, transkei, traverse, uglycry, unabated, uninhibited, visceral
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