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Soap Box #6:Holding A Proverbial Mirror To The Soul – The Power of Music


Linked to an article I wrote. Link is here: https://www.awesome-esl.com/post/soap-box-6- holding-a-proverbial-mirror-to-the-soul.

Words in puzzle will be found here.

For the readers who know me personally, you know that I am an eternal student and a career teacher. This is certainly not limited to the confines of the four walls of a classroom, everything in life is a potential learning and teaching moment, this blog is certainly not an exception. So, just for fun, I’ve included a crossword puzzle. All the clues refer to a reference which appears somewhere in the blog. Some based on the knowledge of English, others offer slightly more obscure hints, which require you think laterally and out-of-the-box. Some clues refer to the music and bands mentioned, whilst others require general knowledge.

Tips: 1. Sometimes the word forms might change, for example, some might be referred to in plural form in the text, but the answer requires its singular form. 2. Or the form in the text might be in the continuous form (present participle, e.g. walking), but the answer requires the simple form (infinitive, V1, e.g. walk). 3. UK spelling is used, as opposed to US. 4. Make sure your CAPS lock is off. The words will appear in CAPS on the screen. 5. No spaces, type 2 word answers as one word, for example, if the answer is Xavier Rudd, type it as xavierrudd.

This is really just meant to be fun, I personally love crossword puzzles.

Word Bank
america, bobbejaanspinnekop, brother, candour, cascade, catstevens, cocaine, coleskop, constructivecriticism, crow, davidbowie, diamond, divorce, dumph, fuck, ghost, gold, hell, humpreybogart, hypocrite, inhomine, jimihendrix, lackey, larry, lobotomy, locomotion, longplay, lynch, marvingaye, matthew, may, metrofail, night, pink, plannedobsolescence, proverbial, rodriguez, saffer, sage, snotdragon, snowpuff, squirrel, stoicism, thebends, thechallenger, thirteen, transkei, traverse, uglycry, unabated, uninhibited, visceral


1.A noun meaning "the quality of being honest and telling the truth, especially about a difficult or embarrassing subject".
7.A noun meaning "a servant or someone who behaves like one by obeying someone elses orders or by doing unpleasant work for them".
9.Name of the place where you see all four van Zyl sisters, almost 40 years ago.
10.Something that happens when two people no longer wish to be married.
11.The collective noun for this creature is "a murder".
12.A phantasmagorical entity.
13.The acronym LP, referring to a vinyl record in words. (2 words).
20.Name of the famous (and only!) mountain in Colesberg. Translation from Afrikaans = Coles Head.
21.This artist was shot and killed by his step-dad in 1984. (2 words).
23.A made-up noun meaning "a stupid person".
24.The name of the artist, legendary in SA, but largely obscure everywhere else in the world, until the movie Finding Sugarman, brought him world fame.
25.A noun meaning "someone who says they have particular moral beliefs but behaves in way that shows these are not sincere".
27.The name of an illegal substance, written and recorded in 1976 by J.J. Cale and covered by Eric Clapton, amongst others.
28.A four-letter swear word that could be used in multiple parts of speech, including: noun, adjective, verb (transitive & intransitive), adverb etc. and to express a multitude of emotions and states, including: amazement, aggression, difficulty, disagreement, dismay, dismissal, incompetence, inquiry, pleasure, resignation, satisfaction, trouble. lol!
29.A noun meaning "a small waterfall, often in a group".
31.An old-fashioned train. Also name of a rather annoying song by Kylie Minogue.
32.An adjective meaning "deep feeling and emotional reactions rather than reason or thought".
34.This artist became a member of the 27 Club after his death in 1970. (2 words).
36.The non de plume of our faithful Ford Cortina Station Wagon. (2 words).
39.A slang noun meaning "South African".
40.The Afrikaans word for the arachnid that Mel is terrified of. (2 words).
41.The Ford Cortina Station Wagon's name after being painted white. (2 words).
42.A synonym is the adjective aphorism.
44.The first name of my cat, named after a famous Hollywood actor, who was also a founder of the Rat Pack. Last name can also be a slang verb meaning to keep something all for oneself, thus depriving anyone else of having any. Often used with weed or joints but can be applied to anything. (2 words).
47.An adjective meaning "without becoming weaker in strength or force".
49.This artist, whose first name refers to a feline, changed his name to Yusuf. (2 words).
51.A term meaning "is a helpful way of giving feedback that provides specific, actionable suggestions". (2 words).
2.The name of the band named after two continents, North & South.
3.A slang term meaning "refers to an intense sobbing which contorts the face of the person sobbing in way that is often perceived as exaggerated or unpleasant". (2 words).
4.A verb meaning "to move or travel through an area".
5.Name of Radiohead's sophomore album. Also is a scuba diving term which refers to a condition caused when a diver surfaces too fast. (2 words).
6.A word meaning "to hang". Also the surname of a famous Hollywood director, first name David.
8.A noun meaning "the quality of experiencing pain or trouble without complaining or showing your emotions".
14.A noun meaning "a medical operation in which cuts are made in or near the front part of the brain, used in the past for the treatment of severe mental problems".
15.The name for a precious metal. Also the name of an ABBA album.
16.Name of the precious gem mentioned twice in the article. One in reference to a singer (surname only) and the second reference to a VCR player that replaced our National top loader VCR.
17.My name for God, Buddha, Allah, Krishna.
18.The snarky nickname given by most Capetonians who use this form of transport, and are frequently let down by poor service. (2 words).
19.This artist also went by the stage name Ziggy Stardust. (2 words).
22.A male sibling.
26.A term meaning "a situation in which goods are deliberately made or designed so that they do not last for a long period of time". (2 words).
30.Month of the year Andy was born. Also the name of his oldest sister.
33.A Latin term meaning "in person". (2 words).
35.An adjective meaning "free and natural, without embarrassment or too much control".
37.The name of the NASA space craft that blew up in 1986, which this song refers to. Clue: the song is hidden in the URL link 4.. 3... 2... 1... . (2 words).
38.The antonym of heaven.
39.The name of a rodent used to indicate slight distraction from the topic at hand by your author.
43.The age I received my double-deck radio. Also the first part of the name of a band, second part: Senses. Considered an unlucky number by some.
45.Andy’s middle name.
46.An adjective meaning "wise, especially as a result of great experience".
48.The antonym of day.
50.The colour of Mom’s hideous anorak. Also the first part of a bands name, second part Floyd.

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