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Proverbs Chapter 29 - Proverbial Business English

I. M. Achristian

Proverbs Chapter 29 - Proverbial Business English by I. M. Achristian. The Author uses crosswords as games to enhance learning in his Proverbial Business English class taught at Incheon International Baptist Church. https://iibckorea.com/

This puzzle covers Proverbs Chapter 29. It has some definitions taken from Strong's Concordance. Each word begins with an 'P'.

All lesson material is published by I. M. Achristian, under the authority of Incheon International Baptist Church (IIBC), Songdo, Republic of Korea, 2020. Instruction and instructional material is freely given and materials may be freely downloaded and/or promulgated for the ‘furtherance of the Gospel’. No fee whatsoever is charged for instruction. It is provided as a ministry of IIBC. Classroom and online students are encouraged to visit the services of IIBC regularly to improve their English and grow spiritually.

All Scripture used in PBE lessons is taken from the King James Version, via e-sword, www.e- sword.net, or The Korean King James Version, reference (ref): http://www.keepbible.com.

Are you saved? You can know for 100% sure that you are saved! Please read: Romans Chapter 3:10, 23, 5:12, 6:23, 5:8, 10:9-10, 10:13. Ask The Lord to save you. Read Romans 10:13 again. Are you a whosoever? Are you saved?

Every word begins with an 'P'.


1.Prov 29:7 The righteous considereth the cause of the ____: [but] the wicked regardeth not to know [it].7의로운 자는 가난한 자의 사정을 깊이 생각하나 사악한 자는 관심을 기울여 그것을 알려 하지 아니하느니라.
3.Proverbs (Prov) 29:2 When the righteous are in authority, the ______ rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.2의로운 자들이 권세를 잡으면 백성이 기뻐하나 사악한 자가 다스리면 백성이 애곡하느니라.
4.Prov 29:23 A man's _____ shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit.23사람의 교만은 그를 낮추려니와 명예는 영이 겸손한 자를 들어 올리리라.
5.Prov 29:18 Where [there is] no vision, the people ______: but he that keepeth the law, happy [is] he.18환상 계시가 없는 곳에서는 백성이 망하거니와 법을 지키는 자는 행복하니라.
6.Prov 29:24 Whoso is _______ with a thief hateth his own soul: he heareth cursing, and bewrayeth [it] not.24누구든지 도둑과 짝하는 자는 자기 혼을 미워하나니 그는 저주를 듣고서도 그것을 드러내지 아니하느니라.
1.Prov 29:25 The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso _______ his trust in the LORD shall be safe.25사람을 두려워하면 올무에 걸리려니와 누구든지 {주}를 신뢰하는 자는 안전하리라.
2.Prov 29:13 The ____ and the deceitful man meet together: the LORD lighteneth both their eyes.13가난한 자와 속이는 자가 함께 만나거니와 {주}께서 그 두 사람의 눈을 밝게 하시느니라.
3.Prov 29:18 Where [there is] no vision, the ______ perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy [is] he.18환상 계시가 없는 곳에서는 백성이 망하거니와 법을 지키는 자는 행복하니라.
4.Prov 29:14 The king that faithfully judgeth the ____, his throne shall be established for ever.14왕이 가난한 자를 위해 신실하게 재판하면 그의 왕좌가 영원히 굳게 서리라.

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