Across |
2. | Any longer and you’d be on the radio. (2) |
6. | Serendipity when shuffling UCL gets Kelvin. (4) |
7. | It’s an essential element of a graph but the wrong place to drink. (9) |
8. | Don’t come to class if your pill loses parking. (3) |
9. | Flemings first gives way to the field. (6) |
11. | if Normal reaction is increased friction becomes beer around it. (6) |
13. | Sounds like there isn’t a shelf but you get it from school. (9) |
16. | Dali Lama mixes without artificial intelligence and left wavelength. (4) |
17. | An initial change to hairdresser’s tool could be atomic. (4) |
19. | When rickety engine moves it has this (7,6) (2 Words) |
20. | Angle is found from the tangent. (5) |
21. | American city gives cylinder its volume. (2) |
22. | Two would get across a circle. (5) |
24. | Try open disorder. (7) |
26. | Nitrogen oxygen and sulphur are part of the course. (3) |
28. | Opinion is lacking ion particle (4) |
29. | The sound of Italian cars bounce back because the …….. (7,6) (2 Words) |
31. | Captain Hook loses constant to give speed of change with time. (4) |
34. | Equipotentials between two positive charges forms a disturbed sad LED (6) |
35. | Small particle changes end to North giving 1000 kg. (4) |