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Veteran's Day

Catron Courier


5.bordered by China on the northeast. Ruled by a multiparty republic. Exports opium, fruits and nuts, carpets.
7.the third-largest of the world's oceanic divisions, covering 19.8% of the water on the Earth's surface. It is bounded by Asia to the north, Africa to the west, and Australia to the east.
11.lies at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea. Almost the same size as Connecticut. Although 95% of residents are of Arabic ancestry, and Arabic is the official language, and 54% are Muslims, many Christian in this country do not identify themselves as Arab but rather as descendants of the ancient Canaanites and prefer to be called Phoenicians.
12.occupies the western third of the island of Hispaniola. Government- a republic with an elected government. Exports- coffee, cocoa, and mangoes.
15.the sea connected to the Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by the Mediterranean Basin and almost completely enclosed by land.
16.the southernmost of the Central American nations. Government- constitutional democracy. Exports- gold, bananas, and shrimp.
19.on the southwest tip of the Arabian Peninsula. Exports crude oil, coffee and fish.
20.situated in the horn of Africa. Arid and barren – about the size of Texas. Exports livestock, bananas, hides.
21.situated in the western part of the Indian subcontinent, with Afghanistan and Iran on the west, India on the east, and the Arabian Sea on the south. Exports textiles, rice and leather goods.
1.situated on the Balkan Peninsula in southern Europe. Governed by a parliamentary representative democracy. Exports- car seats, electricity, and processed wood,
2.in east Africa bordered on the west by Congo. A multiparty democratic republic. Exports coffee, fish, tea, cotton and flowers.
3.a body of water in the Mediterranean Sea on the northern coast of Libya.
4.on the north east coast of Africa. Larger than Alaska. Run by a military dictatorship. Exports- jewelry, chemicals, fruit and tobacco.
6.slightly larger than Massachusetts. Situated at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea. Government- parliamentary democracy. Exports- machinery and equipment, software, and cut diamonds
8.Situated northeast of Saudi Arabia at the northern end of the Persian Gulf. A constitutional monarchy ruled by the al-Sabah family. Exports- oil, oil products and fertilizers.
9.in northeast Africa. About ¼ the size of the US. The Red Sea on its north east coast. Run by the military. Exports- gold, crude oil, and cotton.
10.this country occupies more of the Arabian Peninsula. An absolute monarchy. Legal system is based on sharia (Islamic law). Exports- Crude oil and petroleum products.
13.also known as the Arabian Gulf
14.a triangle of mountains, desert and a fertile river valley. Borders Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Exports crude oil.
17.borders Israel. About the size of North Dakota. Run by military regime. Exports- crude oil, minerals, fruits and vegetables.
18.mountainous. Was once one of the six republics that made up Yugoslavia. Exports iron, steel and rubber.

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