Across |
3. | The first day of daily publicati on at the Tu s Daily. |
6. | Color worn in solidarity against an semiti sm at the sugges tion of TCU Senate. |
7. | An Academic Quad building featuring a marble façade |
10. | A place where graduate students of diplomacy spend their time. |
11. | A philosopher whose text exchange recently appeared in the Daily. |
13. | Recipient of a major Cummings Foundation grant to the order of $100K. |
16. | A sport played by President Monaco at Princeton. Also, an aqua tic version of a popular horse game, without the horses. |
17. | A popular British TV show. Also, a recently-premiered movie covered in the Daily arts section. |
19. | A volunteer group of dog walkers run by the Leonard Carmichael Society. |
20. | The Global Climate Strike was par ally organized by this group. |
21. | Publicly-traded corporation which maintains a presence in Tufts' Meyer Campus Center. |
24. | A new building for this discipline under construc on by the Anthony Pagano Bridge. |
26. | District in Boston targeted by a recent climate protest. Also, a place for boats. |
28. | One of the many squares surrounding Davis Square. |
29. | A new lecturer in the biology department. |
30. | A new member of the Medford business (and bagel) community. |
31. | A magical game. |
32. | Activity involving boats. Also, the Tufts sports team which took home first at the Hood Trophy on Mystic Lake. |
33. | Newly appointed Dean of Admissions and also a semiaqua c animal. |