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Cristy Soledad Páez

this is taken from the book the linguistic student's handbook chapter 3


4.deals with the meaning of language
8.It is concerned with the relationships between words
11.deals with the sounds of spoken language: how they are made, how they are classified, how they are combined with each other and how they interact with each other when they are combined, how they are perceived
12.deals with the reconstruction of earlier stages of a language by comparing the languages which have derived from that earlier stage
13.Deals with the internal structure of words - not with their structure in terms of the sounds that make them up, but their structure where form and meaning seem inextricably entwined
14.Deals with they way in which the mind deals with language, including matters such as how language is stored in the mind, how language is understood and produced in real time, how children acquire their first language, and so on
15.it is concerned with the way in which the meanings of sentences can be built up from the meanings of their constituent words. Sentence semantics often makes use of the tools and notions developed by philosophers
16.deals with the study of language in its cultural context. It can also be called ANTHROPOLOGICAL LINGUISTICS
1.deals with the way in which societies exploit the linguistic choices open to them, and the ways in which Language reflects social factors, including social context, linguistics,the study of all the phenomena involved with language: its structure, its use and the implications of these
2.it is concerned with the ways in which words can be organised into sentences and the ways in which sentences are understood
3.deals with speech sounds, but at a rather more abstract level
5.deals with the replication of linguistic behaviour by computers, and the use of computers in the analysis of linguistic behaviour
6.investigates how children deal with the language required to cope with the educational system
7.deals with the way in which linguistic structures and processes are dealt with in the brain
9.deals with the features of linguistic structure that tend to characterize a particular geographical area
10.deals with the established words of a language and the fixed expressions whose meanings cannot be derived from their com ponents: idioms, clichés, proverbs, etc.
11.deals with the way the meaning of an utterance may be influenced by its speakers or hearers interpret it in context

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