Proverbs Chapter 8 - Proverbial Business English
The Author uses crosswords as games to enhance
learning in his Proverbial Business English
class at Incheon International Baptist Church.
This puzzle covers Proverbs Chapter 8.
All lesson material is published by I. M.
Achristian, under the authority of Incheon
International Baptist Church (IIBC), Songdo,
Republic of Korea, 2018.
Instruction and instructional material is
freely given and materials may be freely
downloaded and/or promulgated for the
‘furtherance of the Gospel’.
No fee whatsoever is charged for instruction.
It is provided as a ministry of IIBC. Classroom
and online students are encouraged to visit the
services of IIBC regularly to improve their
English and grow spiritually.
All Scripture used in PBE lessons is taken from
the King James Version, via e-sword, www.e-
sword.net (This crossword also included Chinese
Union Version - Simplified (CUV-S) verses), or
The Korean King James Version, reference (ref):
Verses are presented in the Precept by Precept
Line by Line method. © 2019 I.M. A Christian
(United States, South Korea, China).
What is your spiritual background? Are you
saved?- Do you have an English, Korean, or
Chinese speaking friend?
Please read: Romans Chapter 3:10, 23, 5:12,
6:23, 5:8, 10:9-10, 10:13. The Pray and Ask The
Lord to save you. Read Romans 10:13 again. Are
you a whosoever? Are you saved?
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