Try and complete today's short story themed
crossword puzzle! Whether it's from a story we
all know and love, or a story only elders would
know of, give your brain a shot to exceed
everyone's expectations with your knowledge of
This week's short story crossword challenge is
based off: "Where The World Began".
RATING: EASY - A nice warm up for your brain.
Everyone can do this!
NORMAL - Slightly more challenging, but
mostly everyone will know the
HARD - Time to turn up the heat!
Sophisticated words coming
SUPER HARD - No mercy for you if you've
made it this far! Push your
brain cells to the limit!
ADVANCED - Ya think you know more words
than an online dictionary?
Prove yourself!!
Tip: (ans. adj) = (the answer is an adjective)
(noun def.) = (a noun definition: to
define a particular ONE of
a person, place, or thing)
(the missing word describes
MORE than ONE thing)
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