Word Bank C, DBL, aberration, aniseikonia, anisocoria, antimetropia, arcuate staining, cataract, cellulose nitrate, chalazion, decentration, diffuse illumination, diopter, diplopia, direct Illumination, distometer, ectropion, edema, effective diameter, emmetropia, epithelium, foreign body tracks, giant papillary conjunctivitis, hyperopia, hypophoria, indirect illumination, keratoconus, keratometer, keyhole, lateral and medial staining, lens clock, macular degeneration, myopia, nylon, optyl, presbyopia, progressive, pterygium, ptosis, refraction, rose bengal dye, sclera, sclerotic scatter, slab-off, slit lamp, striae, stye, taco test, wide jaw angling plier, x-ing
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