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Dessert time

K. Khalid


1.Lovely French dessert made with a custard-like puree and may have granola, nuts, or yogurt.
8.Ice cream (or mousse, sorbet, or sherbet) frozen in a spherical mold to resemble a cannonball. (3 Words)
9.The ice cream ____ has layers of sponge cake or cookie crumble between layers of ice cream.
10.The first parlor for this cold treat opened in NYC in 1776. (2 Words)
11.Spectacular cake topped with ice cream, covered in meringue, browned, and served warm from the oven. (2 Words)
14.Yummy dish from the Deep South made with fruit that's covered with a batter and baked. Usually served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. (2 Words)
15.Scrumptious pie made from the juice of a particular very tart citrus fruit and named after the Florida Keys. V (2 Words)
1.These featured the Flintstones on the tube holding the frozen orange sherbet you pushed out of the tube. (2 Words)
2.This delicious treat sandwiches ice cream between 2 rectangular chocolate cookies. The first ones only cost a penny! (3 Words)
3.Frozen dessert made from sweetened water with flavoring from fruit juice or fruit puree.
4.Also called a black cow or brown cow, A&W Restaurants are famous for this chilly drink. (3 Words)
5.This lets you hold your ice cream in your hand and sometimes is chocolate coated inside! (3 Words)
6.A sweet dessert with one layer or crushed graham crackers (or cookies) and a top layer of soft cream cheese mixed with eggs, vanilla and sugar.
7.Another tasty way of holding your ice cream in your hand, & a lot of ice cream at that, is this yummy type of cone. (2 Words)
12.The first ones, called Epsicles, are a water-based frozen snack of flavored water or juice frozen on a stick.
13.A few scoops of ice cream topped with sauce or syrup and maybe some sprinkles, peanuts and fruit. Yummy!

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