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D & T Key Words

P Lloyd


2.An object that when finished with will decompose/rot by bacteria or other living organisms. For example an apple will Biodegrade if left outside on the ground.
4.Means only a limited amount, for example when they are gone, they are gone forever
5.The technique, method, or system of operating or controlling a process by highly automatic means, by electronic devices, reducing human intervention/involvement to a minimum.
7.Is the warming effects of pollutant gasses, for example CO2, have on the earth. The gasses trap the warmth which is slowly over heating the planet
8.Asking a large number of people to give or lend small amounts of money usually over the internet to support the development of a new business of product
9.Are things that can be seen as morally right/are good for us all. For example, buying fair trade food which provides farmers with better working conditions
10.Is a way of selling things using existing social networks to promote a product. Its name refers to how consumers spread information about a product with other people in their social networks, much in the same way that a virus spreads from one person to another.
11.This is where the people who make or grow things are paid a fair price for their produce or services. This allows them to have a better quality of life and to make their business grow.
1.Is an organised method for waste minimization (trying not to waste anything including time and materials) within a manufacturing system without spoiling productivity/output
3.Is where a product/thing is made and put together from its start to its finish and large parts of it are in a straight line.
6.A machine capable of carrying out a complex/difficult number of actions automatically/without help, especially one that is totally programmed by a computer.

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