Across |
3. | usually due to inherent dispersion of samples collected from a population defined statistically by variance or standard deviation about a true value |
5. | an action or series of actions involving physical, chemical or biological entities |
7. | sludge produced in individual on-site wastewater disposal systems, such as septic tanks |
10. | temporal scale covering a period greater than 10,000 years |
12. | a set of pollution standard index of air quality to protect public health, safety and general welfare |
14. | interdependence of elements within specific environmental systems, and the interactions between different types of systems |
15. | portion of rainfall or irrigation water that flows across the ground surface and is eventually returned to streams |
17. | pollutants from a known source which is discharged into a body of water or land |
18. | involves physical removal of samples from the environment |
19. | this is how data will be compared with reference values when known |
20. | refers to the number of measurements or observations |
21. | air pollutants with national air quality standards that define allowable concentrations of these substances in ambient air |
22. | specific aspect or quality of a measurement such as color, size or chemical concentration |
23. | spatial scale covering an area of greater than 100 Km but less than 10,000 Km |
24. | done in cases where the substitution of one measurement is possible for another at a reduced costs |
25. | measures the approximate concentration of dissolved oxygen required by bacteria or micro-organisms to decompose organic matter in waste water or surface water |