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Health Insurance Crossword Puzzle

Elaina and Kendall


3.The amount of money the consumer must pay each year to cover your medical care expenses before your insurance policy will start paying
6.Services designed to keep patients healthy (2 words)
7.Specific conditions or situations in which the policy will not provide benefits
9.Someone who monitors your health, diagnosis and treats minor health problems, and can refer you to specialists (3 words)
10.A type of medical savings account that allows you to save money for medical events now or in the future in a tax free account (3 words)
1.The amount you are required to pay for medical care in certain plans after you've met your deductible. Usually expressed as a percentage.
2.A health insurance plan that allows you to see any doctor at any time. In addition to a premium, this type of plan typically requires you to make a copayment for each service you receive (3 words)
4.The maximum total amount of money you have to pay each year for deductibles, coinsurance and copayments (4 words)
5.A medical issue that existed before you got insurance (2 words)
8.A way of splitting up medical costs. You pay a flat fee each time you receive a medical service, and the insurance company pays the rest.

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