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Module 4 Topic 1: Presidential Crossword Puzzle

Himanish Goel

The crossword puzzle is at least 50 x 50 squares in size. The crossword puzzle includes at least 10 clues about the executive branch. The crossword puzzle clues are clearly written and descriptive. The crossword puzzle clues thoroughly cover the topic’s content and demonstrate an understanding of the important aspects of the Presidency, the Vice Presidency, and the Cabinet.


8.It is highest right after the President is elected, during the honeymoon phase, and then declines. It is almost always lower in a president's second term than his first term.
9.To charge a government official (president or otherwise) with "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors" and bring him or her before congress to determine guilt.
10.The secretaries, or chief administrators, of the major departments of the federal government. The cabinet secretaries which are appointed by the president and approved by the Senate.
1.Gives Washington D.C. 3 electoral votes.
2.President and Vice President are elected separately.
3.Limits the president's term to 2 years.
4.It is a system of rating the presidents on values, morals, and other aspects.
5.Sets up a line of succession for the president.
6.The personality that the president brings to the white house. The president's personality will affect the way the white house is organized and run, also by the public who will judge the president on their personality.
7.He is what’s in the notes under the VP heading: * Purposes of VP: to strengthen the ticket * Views on VP: that his/her job is useless * Jobs of VP: preside over Senate (tie breaker) and next in line to be President.

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