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5.A statistic that occurs when a player passes the ball to someone who scores after receiving the pass. The passing player earns an assist in the stat sheet.
7.An offensive strategy in which a player without the ball stands in the way of a defensive player.
10.A defensive strategy in which each player on the defensive team guards one person on the opposing team.
12.A shot taken close to the hoop, usually when a player is moving toward the basket.
16.This penalty, which results in a turnover, occurs when a player dribbles the ball with both hands. It also occurs when a player dribbles, stops dribbling, and then begins to dribble again.
17.This penalty, which results in a turnover, occurs when an offensive player with the ball runs into a stationary defensive player and knocks him or her over.
18.When a player from either team retrieves the ball and gains possession after a missed shot.
19.An offensive action in which a player without the ball cuts behind a defender and toward the basket.
1.A defensive strategy where the defenders guard the opposing team the full length of the court instead of waiting on the opposite side for the offense to come across.
2.A penalty, which results in a turnover, where an offensive player moves his or her pivot foot illegally or takes three steps without dribbling the ball.
3.A shot at the basket that misses everything and doesn't even touch the backboard or net.
4.When a shot goes up, players use this technique, which involves widening their stance and arms and using their body as a barrier to get in better rebounding position.
6.A free shot given to a player after a foul or a technical foul.
8.When a player gets fouled while shooting and the ball goes in. The player then gets one free throw.
9.A defensive strategy in which players guard a specific zone or area of the court instead of a specific player on the opposing team.
11.The rectangular piece of fiberglass the rim is attached to.
13.When the offensive team loses possession of the ball by way of an offensive foul, steal or out-of-bounds violation.
14.The painted area that makes up the free throw lane. Also referred to as the paint.
15.This penalty, which results in a turnover, occurs when a player holds the ball excessively while dribbling.

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