Down |
1. | simplest stable, long-lasting PARTICLES of matter--single units of each element; each has both a nucleus & electron cloud |
2. | forms of element having same atomic number & proton #, but having different atomic mass & neutron # |
3. | ___ mass: the combined mass in amu of an atom's neutrons & protons |
4. | substance at lower amount in a solution |
7. | ___ number: increases by 1 moving left in a period (row) by one groups/family (column); the number of protons in atoms of an element |
9. | center of an atom, containing neutrons & protons & having a net + charge |
10. | chemically bonded groups of atoms |
11. | Unequal sharing of electrons by two atoms very differnt electronegativity results in one end (pole) of a molecule having a partial + charge, the other a partial - |
13. | uncharged (+/- 0) subatomic particles found in atoms nucleus; each has mass 1.0 amu |
16. | heat ___: how much heat loss or gain required to change a substances temperature--high for water because heat is used to make or break H bonds before changing molecule speed |
18. | - charged ions whose atoms have gained valence electrons |
19. | + charged ions whose atoms have lost valence electrons |
22. | chemically bonded groups of atoms, with more than one element in the group |
23. | water hating substances that can not dissolve in water & cannot adhere to water because they are not charged or are nonpolar covalent |
26. | ___ bond: formed when a less electonegative substance (usually a metal) donated all of its valence electrons to a more electronegative substance (a nonmetal) |
29. | attraction of water molecules to other hydrophilic substances |
30. | attraction of water molecules to each other |
31. | the simplest stable, long-lasting CLASSES of matter, each made of one type of atom; 92 naturally occurring & shown on periodic table |
33. | electron ____: regions of the electron cloud where are likely to be located if their energy matches; also called electron orbits or levels |
37. | substance at higher amount in a solution |
38. | __ tension: adhesive force holding surface water molecules together via many H bonds |
39. | a measure of relative acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution; under 7 if acidic; 7 if neutral; over 7 if basic; a log scale (lower by 1, raise acidity by 10; raise by 1, raise basicity by 10) |